Thursday, December 4, 2014

Current Event:

      Several months ago, Rita N. Sanders-Campfield posted a youtube video discussing her loss of her husband but has recently posted videos discussing how her life has improved and she lives with a lovely roomate Chong Park.  On Wednesday, Sanders-Campfield was charged with stabbing Park to death with a butcher knife and a pair of scissors. She thought her roommate practiced witchcraft, according to Montgomery County police. A judge ordered that she undergo a mental health evaluation, and she remains jailed.  According to court papers, Sanders-Campfield had recently spoken to two people about religion and how she was seeking to be “perfected.”

     So many people in this world are troubled.  It's a shame Ms. Park was killed due to Rita having such a troubled mind.  The family of Ms. Park must be devasted.  I hope Rita gets the help she needs, this shows how you cant trust anyone.  This too lived together yet this still happened.  It worries me to ever have a roomate because you never know who they really are.

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