Monday, March 30, 2015

Current event:

      A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb in Boulder County, Colorado, prosecutor Stanley Garnett said Thursday. The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes on March 18. When she arrived at the seller's home, she was attacked, beaten, cut open and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.  The attacker will not face a murder charge. 
      I think what happened to this innocent women is awful. I also think it is ridiculous the attacker won't face a murder charge just because in the state of Colorado they do not recognize a fetus as a person. That baby should definitely be considered a person because it died. Also the attacker should face worse charges because what Wilkins suffered from the attack. 

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