Friday, January 9, 2015

Current Event:

           At least 13 people have been killed and France is traumatized, after the shooting of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.  The vulgar treatment of the Muslim religion has caused the shooting to occur.  The government now faces questions over intelligence lapses. But such reasoning did not answer the basic questions about why the French had not monitored the Kouachi brothers more aggressively, what the brothers were doing between 2011 and now, and why Charlie Hebdo was not better protected. And it raised the question of whether there had been a spectacular failure in American-French intelligence cooperation.
           Its so sad to hear about the shootings in France, so many people and families have been affected and are now grieving.  I don't understand why these terrorists continue to cause so many problems.  Their dislike against the newspaper company should not have caused such tragedy to happen.   

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