Wednesday, May 20, 2015

All the President's Men

1. What does Bob Woodward have to do to get information about the Watergate break in?
Woodward had to contact "Deep Throat," a secret unnamed source, to get the information about the Watergate break in.

2. How difficult do you think it was to get information about a story BEFORE the internet? What would reporters have to do instead?
I think it must have been very difficult to get the information about the story before the internet because if the internet got the story out it would of spread very quickly before the reporters could tell it.  The reporters had to do every move in secret and double check information.

3. Why did Bob Woodward have to be careful about not being followed when he met with Deep Throat?
Woodward had to be very careful about not being followed when meeting Deep Throat because he was an anonymous source, who many people where trying to figure out who he was.

4. When Carl Berstein (Dustin Hoffman) gives Woodward the name Kenneth H. Dahlberg what does Woodward have to use to find a phone number for Dahlberg?