Sunday, October 26, 2014

Current Event:

    A Texas nurse who has recovered from Ebola must wait to see her King Charles spaniel, Bentley. Nina Pham returned to Dallas late Friday after her release from the National Institutes of Health. She has repeatedly tested virus-free and said she was looking forward to see Bentley. Pham contracted Ebola while caring for a Liberian man Thomas Eric Duncan, who died October 8th. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said Saturday the reunion will have to wait until the dog is released Nov. 1 from a quarantine period. Jenkins said officials must make sure the dog is virus-free and cannot infect others. Pham is now immune. Jenkins said veterinarians are concerned that if Pham visits the dog, it might affect Bentley's behavior and make it harder to monitor for potential symptoms. 
      I'm so pleased to hear that this woman is finally Ebola free and healthy.  Being a dog lover myself however I can only imagine how much she wants to see her dog.  Hopefully the dog didn't get the disease from her and the dog is also healthy.  Nina Pham must be wanting it to be November 1st very badly.  The poor spaniel Bentley must be so lonely in the quarantine at the vet. The reunion will be so heart warming.

Current Event:

         For high school seniors, fall means deciding where to apply for college and maybe visiting a guidance counselor. There are data crunchers that hope to help. The professional networking site LinkedIn has just come out with its ''University Finder,'' which identifies which colleges are popular with which companies. Or sites such as pairs students with colleges based on such as factors as body piercings and whether applicants go to church. These sites are joining the game of college rankings, which has some education experts excited and other rolling their eyes. Picking a college is nothing like it once was. In 1980, there were 3,150 colleges and universities, according to the Department of Education, and a primary factor for many students was location. Now, there are close to 4,700 schools, many of which go out of their way to attract out-of-state students because of the money they bring.  These sites can be great tools for many students applying to college.
          Being a senior I am in the middle of applying to college.  Its a really confusing process and the sites seem like they could be a lot of help.  I looked at a few of the sites and they seem helpful.  Its good to know these sites are available for use.  They should be advertised more for public use because they are also free sites.  I just want this application process to be over soon!

Current Event:

       Since Sept. 19, when the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus went on sale, consumers have been ordering the gadgets faster than Apple can deliver them. The ripple effects are being felt throughout the economy, and they have been moving the stock market.  The iPhone is a measurable impact. Michael Feroli, the chief United States economist for JPMorgan Chase estimates that iPhone sales are adding one-quarter to one-third of a percentage point to the annualized growth rate of the gross domestic product. Sales typically surge every two years when Apple does a major iPhone upgrade.  Apple’s next three months will be incredibly strong. Apple is a powerful and company, especially with the upcoming holiday season.
        Being from such a technology generation, people my age love when the new iPhone comes out.  We all want it and can't wait from our upgrades to arrive.  I know I personally will want it when I have an upgrade in February.  Its a good thing we have these kind of things to boost our economy also.  People always want the newest version of everything.  The think everyone loves iPhones!

Current Event:

       Craig Spencer, a young doctor just back from treating patients with Ebola in Guinea, fell ill with ebola in New York on Thursday.  He entered Bellevue Hospital through a rear door, far from the busy emergency room, and was taken to an isolation ward that was locked and guarded.  Much more organized and carefully planed then the case in Dallas was dealt with.  Mr. Duncan's case was held wrong, the hospital and nurses were unprepared with how to deal with an Ebola patient.  If there was ever a moment for redemption, Dr. Spencer’s case was it. It is too soon to tell whether the response to Dr. Spencer’s infection will continue as smoothly as it began. His condition worsened on Saturday, though he remained awake and communicative, health officials said. This Bellevue Hospital is changing procedure and is ready to help Mr. Spencer.
        This whole thing with Ebola is very scary, especially as it gets closer to Massachusetts.  New York is too close for comfort.  I hope doctors find a cure quickly and also find ways to protect all of America from getting the disease.  Its awful that some have died, but luckily other American's are now becoming Ebola free.  Its also good to hear that hospitals are stepping up there procedure to deal with the disease, they should all be very prepared.

Current event:

          Recently in Washingston sadly a school shooting occured. Jaylen Ray was a student no one expected to do such a terrible thing. He was a football player everyone knew and liked at Marysville-Pilchuck High School. Jaylen pulled out a handgun in the school cafeteria on Friday, according to witnesses, he did not randomly target fellow students, or point it toward authority figures. Instead, he fired at friends, killing one student and seriously wounding four others before killing himself. The friends he shot at turned out to be his cousins.  Also hurting two other girls. All being treated at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. Police are still unsure why Jaylen did what he did.  Days before the shooting classmates said Jaylen was acting differently. 
          It's so awful to hear about these kind of things happening.  For the school, friends, and the family of the lost ones it must be such an awful hard time.  Having someone change like that is such an awful thing to have to experience.  I cant even imagine being at a school or anywhere when a shooting happens, it would be such a scary event.  I'm sure though that Jaylen will be in jail for a long time, which he should be.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Picture project:

Wide shot, organized photo, student life photo

Photo taken before an event, medium shot

Photo that includes a large group

Worms eyed view

Birds eyed view, artistic shot

Sports reaction photo, photo taken during an event, sports action photo

Small group photo

Close up shot

Photo taken after an event

Repetition, academic photo
Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg

Photo that includes one person

Leading Lines, framing

Current event:

           A student at Worcester State University reported being sexually assaulted at knifepoint on campus last week, authorities said. Officials said there was no description of the attacker by Thursday evening and that no additional assaults have since been reported. Authorities did not say exactly when the attack took place, but it was reported to authorities Wednesday. After learning of the alleged assault, Worcester State sent an alert to the campus community. Because of the sensitivity of the investigation and rape shield laws, the university said no additional information would be released. A Worcester State spokeswoman would not say if the student was injured during the assault. The reported attack is being investigated by campus police and State Police, as well as State Police detectives assigned to the Worcester district attorney’s office.

          Very disturbing to think something so violent was reported so close to where we all live. Also the fact that I will be leaving for college very soon and hearing reports of assaults on campus makes so more nervous to go.  I feel like recently I have heard a lot of these reports, especially in Boston lately.  Hopefully campuses start to step up security and continue to investigate any attacks.  Who ever did this at Worcester State hopefully gets caught and arrested.  

Current event:

          The first man diagnosed with the Ebola virus in the United States is in critical condition, the Dallas hospital that has been treating him reported Saturday. Thomas Eric Duncan who is being treated, didn't provide any further details about his condition. The hospital previously said Duncan was being kept in isolation and that his condition was serious but stable.  Duncan traveled from Liberia to Dallas last month before he began showing symptoms of the disease. Health officials also said Saturday that they are monitoring about 50 people for signs of the deadly disease who may have had contact with Duncan, including nine who are believed to be at a higher risk. The family was moved to a private home in a gated community, where they are being carefully monitored. The first Ebola diagnosis in the U.S. has raised concerns about whether the disease that has killed 3,400 people in West Africa could spread in the U.S. Federal health officials say they are confident they can keep it in check.
           This whole new topic of Ebola is very nerve racking to me, and I'm sure every other American.  The disease is so deadly and its scary to think it may begin to spread every where. I do know though that the virus that causes Ebola is not airborne and can only be spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person who is showing symptoms. If the government continues to say they can keep the containment under control then the US should continue to remain calm. I hope that Mr. Duncan will recover soon.